Monday, February 20, 2012

Scentsy Vs Scentsationals Vs Better Homes and Gardens

So! I have a warmer from Scentsy (and wax) and I have a warmer from Better Homes and Gardens (and one from Scentsationals but from what I understand, they are the same thing) The question that I had was... Is one better than the other? So I put them to the test!

**Please keep in mind that people have different tastes and anything that I say is just my own honest opinion and I do not sell any of these products and have not been paid by any of the companies for my opinions. **

                                     Alright, I had my Scentsy Warmer...
Fizz Full Sized Warmer from Scentsy

Here's my warmer from ScentSationals...
Wood Inspiration Warmer from ScentSationals

Here's my warmer from Better Homes and Garden...

 Classical Vase Warmer, Costa Brown from Better Homes and Gardens

Winner: Scentsy

When it comes to looks, I have to give the upper hand to Scentsy.
The Fizz Warmer is the cutest of the 3. You might have a different opinion, but I personally think that the Fizz Warmer is adorable and it looks even cuter with the lights off!

Yes, there are tons of different styles out there for warmers, but I have looked at mostly all of them, and I still give the upperhand to Scentsy in the "cute department."

Winner: Tie between ScentSationals and
Better Homes and Gardens

Everyone knows that Scentsy is more expensive. Period.
I purchased my ScentSationals warmer for $15 and my Better Homes and Gardens warmer is usually $15, but I was able to catch a deal and get it for $11. Wax for Scentsationals and Better Homes and Garden is $2.00 for 6 cubes (when purchased straight from Walmart in the store) and wax for Scentsy is $5.oo for 8 cubes (a Bar). You can purchase wax from ScentSationals online for $2.99 for 6 cubes, so no matter how or where you buy it, it still is the cheapest. One thing I disliked about Scentsy is that they charged me tax on my online order. I also had to pay for shipping! ScentSationals charges shipping as well, but not on orders over $50. Scentsy has free shipping on orders over $150.
So then I came to my next question... Is Scentsy worth the extra money?!
We will see at the end!

Winner: Scentsy

I am only giving Scentsy the edge here because Scentsy scents seem to last longer. Please do not confuse this with the strength of the scent. Scentsy scents are NOT stronger than the competition. Strength depends on the individual scent you select. I have some scents that are very light and some that are very strong that I can smell in every room in my house. Some scents hardly even smell at all. This applies to ALL 3 competitors. I can not tell you who has the best scents as far as smells. Everyone is different and I have scents from all 3 that I love and some I can not stand to even melt.

Winner: Better Homes and Gardens

All 3 warmers that I tested pretty much are used the exact same way. You plug em in and insert wax cubes in the lid of the warmer and ENJOY! I am giving the win to Better Homes and Gardens just for this individual warmer.
Please keep in mind that it might be different with different styles of warmers but I am comparing those only listed at the top of the page.

DOWNSIDE TO THE FIZZ SCENTSY WARMER: Clean-up is a pain! When I go to pour the wax back into the clam shell case, it goes down the side and pours at a weird angle. I will say this though... Scentsy wax is easier to clean up than ScentSationals and Better Homes and Gardens wax. It doesn't harden as fast and I can wipe it right up from the inside of the lid.
Another downside is that I can't burn more than one cube of another companies wax in my Scentsy warmer. One cube melts fine, but two or more cubes, it doesn't melt correctly and you have hardened wax that doesn't melt around the edges. While this may be good for Scentsy because you have to buy their products and use it in their warmers, it would have been nice to burn my ScentSationals wax in my Scentsy warmer from time to time. I can melt my Scentsy wax in any of the 3 warmers and that is awesome!

DOWNSIDE TO THE SCENTSATIONALS WARMER: The ScentSationals warmer has a weird design and the lid looks like this...

Notice that thing in the middle? Yeah, I hate that thing!
It sometimes gets a little warm and when I want to transfer the wax, it kinda burns my fingers! Also, I can only burn ONE cube of wax at a time. This makes mixing scents inpossible, and limits the strength of the wax.

DOWNSIDE TO BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS WARMER: The only downside to the Better Homes and Gardens warmer isn't even a problem with the warmer itself. The only complaint I have is with the wax. When I go to transfer the wax out of it, it quickly dries up and leaves hardened wax on the edges. Clean-up is the easiest in this warmer BY FAR though. It is so easy to pour back into the case and there's no thing in the middle to burn my fingers and overall, I love the design of the lid.

The Winners are...

Looks: Scentsy

Price: Tie between ScentSationals and Better Homes and Gardens

Wax: Scentsy

Clean-Up and Use: Better Homes and Gardens

Conclusion and In My Honest Opinion:
Unless you see a Scentsy warmer design that you have to have, I can't justify paying an extra $15 on the warmer that does the exact same job as the ScentSational and Better Homes and Garden warmer. I can say that I would pay the extra $2.00 (Or extra $3 if purchased from a Walmart) and purchase the Scentsy wax as opposed to the other two competitors. Unless you buy from the Walmart store directly, I can not find Better Homes and Gardens wax online for a reasonable price. ScentSationals wax is decent though and worth the price you pay. I just like Scentsy wax better. It doesn't harden as quick during transfer back to the clam shell casing and seems to last longer. Better Homes and Gardens has the easiest warmer (of the 3 mentioned) as far as clean-up and use. They all have their strong points and weaknesses. I love all of the products and buy from all 3 companies on a regular basis. What it all comes down to is scented wax warmers and wax, reguardless of where they are purchased, are awesome and are MUST HAVES! My house always smells wonderful and I wouldn't have it any other way. Whether it is from Scentsy, ScentSationals, or Better Homes and Gardens, GET OUT AND GET ONE! YOU WON'T BE SORRY!

All of the warmers are safe. I haven't witnessed one being safer than the other. If you have any questions or comments about any of the products listed or mentioned, you can always contact me at .

* You can purchase the Fizz Full Sized Warmer (or one like it or even one you like better) or Scentsy wax (bars and bricks) directly from the Scentsy website by clicking right here!

*You can purchase the Wood Inspiration Warmer (or one like it or even one you like better) or ScentSationals wax cubes by clicking right here!

*You can purchase the Classical Vase Warmer, Costa Brown from Better Homes and Gardens directly from Walmart by clicking right here! Be sure to change your store and location. I am in Houston and you may not be! To purchase Better Homes and Gardens wax, just forget it unless you buy it inside Wal-mart, and go to the ScentSationals website, it is the same company!  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Better Homes and Gardens ... The Addiction Continues

I knew that Wal-Mart carried scented wax warmers and scented wax cubes, so of course me being a waxaholic, I had to go check them out! Sure enough, I found them and was shocked to see that the prices of the warmers were half the price of what I paid for my Scentsy warmer! $15! Well how frickin' awesome is that?! It got even better when I saw two different style warmers that were on sale for only $11! The warmers were made by Better Homes and Gardens. They also had warmers that were made by ScentSationals (I will talk about ScentSationals in the near future) but I decided to go with one of the Better Homes and Gardens warmers that was on sale for only $11. **Please note that ScentSationals makes the Better Homes and Garden Brand. I am only referring to the brands seperately because they are listed under two different names.
This is what the warmer looks like. I think it is very cute, and for $11.00 I really can't complain. My boyfriend says that this warmer looks like an urn. I didn't even notice that until later, but yes, I guess it does. It is the Better Homes and Gardens Classical Vase Warmer, Costa Brown. I don't really care that it looks like an urn. It matches my bedroom and warms my scented wax cubes. That is all that matters.

See... it doesn't look bad at all!

They also carried scented wax cubes and they were only $2 per package!
Yep! Only $2!! I was also able to actually smell the scents before purchasing them! I was in heaven as I smelled each and every scent the store had to offer (which sadly the selection wasn't that big, but still!) and
I finally decided on Green Apple (by Better Homes and Garden), two packages of Guava Berry (by ScentSationals), Cranberry Clove (also by ScentSationals and was picked by my boyfriend), and Mandarin Mango Madness (again by ScentSationals).

I took my purchases home and started to wonder... Is there a difference between the warmer I purchased from Scentsy and the warmer I purchased from Wal-Mart? Are the wax cubes the same? So I decided to let them go head to head and write a review on the pros and cons of each warmer...
It's Scentsy Vs. Better Homes and Gardens in my next blog :)

**Please understand that I do not sell any of the products listed or mentioned above and anything written or expressed is just my own personal opinion.**

You can check out the warmer mentioned above on the Wal-Mart website by clicking right here! Please keep in mind that the prices of warmers will vary by location and by which Wal-Mart you go to. You will need to change your store location when you visit the link because I am located in the Houston, Texas area and you might not be.

You can purchase the ScentSational wax cubes by clicking right here! This is the ScentSationals website and prices are a bit higher when purchasing directly from the website. They are $2.99 per package.

ScentSationals makes the Better Homes and Garden brand warmers and wax, so you can also find the Green Apple scent or one similar to it on the ScentSationals website listed ^right up there.

My Addiction Began With Scentsy

Like all addicts, my addiction had to start somewhere. Mine began with Scentsy!
I heard about Scentsy on the internet and I figured it was time to give them a try. After all, I spent alot of money over the years on candles and air fresheners. I figured that if the product worked as well as it claimed, it would be worth the investment. So I placed my order, and anxiously waited for my package to arrive. In order to place an order on Scentsy, you must order through what is called an "Independent Scentsy Consultant." These consultants market and sell Scentsy on their own time from the comfort of their home. You don't really have to know someone that personally sells Scentsy in order to buy from them. If you want to purchase a product you can always order directly from the Scentsy website, and they will find a consultant for you. Scentsy sells a variety of fragrance products. I haven't tried any of their products besides their Full Sized Warmer and what is known as a "Scentsy Bar." I will try more of their products in the future though! Anyways, I am getting off track, so I was waiting on my Scentsy package to arrive... they told me it would take 2-3 weeks and that was fine with me. Imagine my surprise when it arrived only 3 short days after placing my order!
I decided upon the Fizz Full Sized Warmer that is shown above. It was $30.00 for the warmer.

I also decided on 6 "Scentsy Bars" and here are the ones that I got.
If you can't read the names very well in the pictures they are: Enchanted Mist, Havana Cabana, Skinny Dippin, Twilight, Camu Camu, and Ocean. I got 6 bars for $25. So basically buy 5 get 1 free.
So I set my warmer up and added two cubes of Skinny Dippin', and waited to be amazed. I will review the scents soon, but for now I just want to talk about how  I became addicted to scented wax warmers and scented wax cubes. In less than 5 minutes, my living room was filled with an amazing smell that made me fall in love! I could even smell it from my kitchen. I think it was that very moment that I became a waxaholic. I had been buying candles all my life and I can tell you that I will NEVER purchase another candle for as long as I live! The smell was 50 times stronger than that of a traditional candle and not to mention the warmer added a nice decorative touch to my living room.

I turned the lights off and was extremely pleased with the results! Check it out! How cute is that?! I will talk more about Scentsy in the near future, but that is my story on how I became a "waxaholic." I was hooked from the first plug in. I am completely obsessed and wouldn't have it any other way.

I am now an Independent Scentsy Consultant! You can go to my scentsy page by clicking right here!

Or you can copy and paste the address ^^ up there.

If you would like some information on becoming an Independent Scentsy Consultant, would like to host a party, or just want some information on the products I would be glad to help and you can email me at:

What is a scented wax warmer?

         In order to understand my addiction, you must first understand what my addiction is. So, what is a scented wax warmer? Well, let me tell you! A scented wax warmer is a decorated ceramic vessel (a vase if you will) that uses a 25w light bulb to heat up the lid. The lid gets warm and heats up wax cubes (if you don't know what wax cubes are, I will discuss that in a moment) that melt and release the smell of the cubes into your home. Sounds kind of like a candle right? I guess in a way, the concept is the same, but what is so great about scented wax warmers is that there is no wick, no fire is involved, and they look way better than any candle I have ever seen! You just screw the light bulb into the inside of your vessel, place the lid on top, plug it into the wall, pop a cube of wax (or 2, or 3, or however many you like) into the lid, and sit back and enjoy! Allow me to show you one of my warmers. This is a Fizz Full Sized Warmer made and sold by Scentsy (don't know what Scentsy is? I'll explain that too! Later though) .........
This was the very first warmer I purchased and it was the start of my addiction. I'll talk more about that later, but for now I just want to show you what a scented wax warmer is and how it works. This is just one of the thousands of different styles available. Notice it has a base, a lid, and a power cord. There is also a 25w light bulb located inside the base of the warmer.

The first step in setting up your warmer is to screw in the light bulb. No, that is not my hand, it is my boyfriend's hand. Just take off the lid and you will see where the light bulb belongs. The next step is replacing the lid and then plug the power cord into a standard 120v AC outlet. Now comes the fun part...
These are scented wax cubes!
They come in a variety of colors, smells, shapes, and sizes.
The ones shown above are from Scentsy. They are also known as scented wax tarts, wax potpourri, wax tarts, scented wax melts, ect. Most of these cubes come in awesome little clam shell cases. Wax cubes are warmed within the lid of the warmer. It is alot stronger than a traditional candle because it can hold more fragrance oil. The best part of it all is that no fire is involved, and so you don't have to worry about soot, lead, smoke, or your house going up in flames!
Turn your warmer on by simply clicking the switch that is located on your power cord into the "on" position.
You will know for sure that your warmer is on when you can see the light bulb click to life inside the base of the warmer.
Next, all you have to do is break off a cube of wax and place it safely inside the lid of your warmer.
Isn't it so cute when it lights up?! Warmers can add decorative flare to any room in your house! I chose to put 2 cubes of wax into my warmer but you can put only 1 in if you wish. You can also mix scents by placing two or three cubes with different fragrances into the warmer.

Most warmers look awesome in the dark as well and can serve for an adorable, fashionable night light!

All that is left to do is wait and in about 5 minutes or less, I promise you the room will fill with a scent that you selected (so you know it is going to smell awesome!) and
you can just sit back and enjoy! Be prepared for visitors to ask you how your house smells so wonderful! I will be getting into products and reviews in the near future, but now you know what a scented warmer and wax cubes are! But be careful, because you may just become a waxaholic like me! ;)

**I do not sell or endorse any of the products mentioned above. Anything said or expressed is purely my own opinion and view.**

You can find information on or purchase any of the products seen or mentioned above directly from the Scentsy website. Just click the link right here!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Addicted to Scented Wax

Hi, my name is Nikki and I have a problem. Well, it isn't exactly a problem, but I do have an addiction. It isn't drugs or alcohol, or anything along those lines. What I am addicted to is...WAX WARMERS and SCENTED WAX! This is a new found addiction and like every other addict on the planet, I MUST get my fix. I like to call myself a waxaholic. I am new to the blogging scene and I haven't been a waxaholic for very long. I started this to help out people who have questions like I did about wax cubes and warmers, and to also review some scents. The one thing I find the most annoying is the fact that most scented wax cubes can't be found in stores. I am forced to buy a product that I can not smell before purchasing. All the sites that sell these products have a very quick summary of the smell that seems to be written by a poet. That is wonderful and very effective in trying to sell a product but let's be honest, some of the scents do not live up to their adjective filled description. Before I get started, let me just say that I do not sell any of these products and everything I say is only my own personal opinion. Happy reading internet people! I hope you join me in being a waxaholic and discover the wonderful world of scented wax warmers and cubes! You won't be sorry!